
Everything. Don’t Carry the One.

The lover I still seek
is better than me.

Infinitely small and large,
She has been where I am before,
Where they gave her trophies she wouldn’t accept.
But you can see them in her eyes.

The answer to everything is in her now
and at no other time.

She is always slightly out of reach.

The only thing she doesn’t know
is that she is too good for me.

And that’s why I haven’t found her yet.

-Craig Hordlow


The Truth About Miracles

You’re often in love with strangers,
And still too young to recognize
That none of your fantasies
Have ever become real.

The strongest emotions you feel
Are for those with whom you’ve interacted the least,
The places you’ve never gone, and the things you have yet to do.

With a promising future ahead of you,
You expect nothing from the present.

But someday you will be arrested by your first wrinkle,
And feel old in a bar.

You will no longer look hopefully into the future,
But woefully into the past.



Only the obedient know what they want.

They’ve seen enough of the world
To know the size of their appetites,
And the flavors they most enjoy.

They dedicate themselves to these limitations
As though they have more honor than those
Who have not stopped searching for more.


The Bottom

I’ve been to the bottom and back.

Sometimes I leave because they kick me out,
other times I get enough sense to leave on my own,
but mostly I can’t remember why or how I left.

Usually I have to take a cab home,
and get my car in the morning.

I’ve been to the bottom a lot
sometimes I spend days there.
I take smoke breaks outside the place
which is how I’ve met friends…good friends
though I never know when I’ll see them again.

I carved my name in the bar stool,
change has fallen out of my pockets and is still in the couch.

There is a lot of me there, at the bottom,
but I only leave pieces of me
I won’t need when it’s time
to go back up.


Lightning Bugs

You can tell a true lover by the gifts they give.

When you only get them on occasions,
when millions of people probably got the same thing,

Love is coerced.

The true lover finds you gifts
randomly, accidentally;
the world is the gift shop
for a museum about you.

She brings them to you
in cupped hands,
like a child who has found a lightning bug.

The cuff-links you didn’t know you need,
the poet you love
who just wrote a new book,
a small notepad that fits in your pocket
because you love to write.

The occasion is always,
the reason is just because.

The gifts are the reflection of your presence
in your absence,
and you will never throw them away.

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