Best SEO Blogs

How to Sing for Live Streams (And Why It’s Totally Different from a Concert)

Have you ever heard actors talk about the difference between acting in a play versus acting in a film? Actors will often talk about how they have to exaggerate their movements and facial expressions on stage in order to get their point across. While on the other hand, an actor in a film can use very very subtle changes in their expression to make a connection.  How is singing for live streams different than singing at a concert? If live shows are Broadway, then live streams are film. During live shows naturally you have to project more. But, when you’re […]

Best SEO Blogs

Everything you need to know about YouTube Art Tracks

Art Tracks on YouTube seem to cause a lot of confusion for musicians. Who can view them? Who owns them? Where do they live? Can I see mine? Do I even need Art Tracks for my music? Let’s dive in. What is a YouTube Art Track? According to YouTube, an Art Track is an automatically generated YouTube version of a sound recording. An Art Track consists of: The sound recording The album art Metadata about the recording, such as its title and artist name What is the purpose of Art Tracks? Excuse us for getting a bit existential there. Art […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google Search Hiding Featured Snippet Label?

For the past week or so, for some queries, it seems like Google is hiding the featured snippet label in the search results. A search for [avocado scrub] shows one example of this but there are others. I asked Google about this via Twitter twice but have not heard back. I assumed it was a bug but I am not sure.

Best SEO Blogs

Google Removes 3D and AR Early Adopters Program

In the beginning of this year, Google added a page around the 3D and AR Early Adopters Program, that page was recently taken down. Google said it has “removed the page about joining the 3D and AR Early Adopters Program.” It was removed because “the program is no longer accepting submissions.”

Best SEO Blogs

Google Ignores Low Quality Blog Pingback Links

Back in the super old days of blogging, like 2004 days, we use to love pingback technology in blogs because it was an automated way to get a link from a relevant blog post on someone else’s blog post and get some attention. But quickly it because super spammy. So when Gary Illyes of Google said on Reddit “very very likely those pingbacks are marked worthless (meaning they’re ignored) on Google’s end” I would trust that.

Best SEO Blogs

Google News Showcase Search Console Filters & More Features

Google News Showcase was officially announced last October as an experience for publishers to show news in Google. Well, now it is expanding in many ways including paywalled content for free, a News Showcase panels from suggested publications, News Showcase will expand to show on and on Discover. And most exciting for me is that News Showcase metrics will come to Google Search Console.

Best SEO Blogs

Google My Business Suggest Edit Gets More Robust

We’ve been covering a couple of the changes to the suggest edit feature in Google Maps, Google Local, Google My Business, Google Places or whatever you want to call it. Amy Toman spotted many of these but now she is seeing more including more explanatory options when you click suggest an edit.