Best SEO Blogs

The Easiest Way to Register Your Music Copyright

Establishing your ownership and registering with the U.S. Copyright Office are the only real steps you can take to protect yourself (and when things go wrong, it could pay off in big ways if you do it early enough). CD Baby is thrilled to partner with Cosynd to provide a quick, easy, and affordable way for you to register your copyrights for 80% less than similar services. As a CD Baby client, you can now register the copyright to your album, songs, videos, literature, or images for as little as $25 (plus federal filing fees). You can take advantage of […]

Best SEO Blogs

The CASE Act is Leveling the Playing Field for All Creators

Understanding the CASE Act Last summer, a major artist sampled one of our artist’s songs, even after the artist rejected the original sample request. The major artist sampled the song anyway and over 100,000 physical copies of the record containing the sample were sold. Our artist wanted to file a lawsuit, but couldn’t because he didn’t register the song with the U.S. Copyright Office first, a recent Supreme Court ruling he wasn’t aware of. After paying $800 for an expedited registration for one song, he started to gather insanely high quotes from litigation attorneys. This seemed like a dead end […]

Best SEO Blogs

Music Copyright Guide For Indie Musicians

Music Copyright 101: How to copyright your music and compositions as an artist, songwriter, or producer As an independent musician, you own your songs and recordings. It’s YOUR intellectual property. That might seem obvious, but it’s worth repeating: YOU control the copyright to the songs you write and the recordings you create. Ownership of your music copyright gives you leverage, protection, and power when it comes to making money from your music catalog. In this article we’ll provide an overview of what music copyright is, how to copyright your music, and how you can use your copyright as a songwriter […]

Best SEO Blogs

Influencer Marketing for Indie Musicians

If you’ve been researching ways to market your music recently, you’ve probably read suggestions to use social media influencers. That’s great advice! Working with an influencer can be an effective way to market your music online. But are you scratching your head at just what all that means? You’re not alone. Of all the new terms to enter the lexicon of the social media age, “influencer” is one of the more nebulous. What is an influencer? And what do they do? What is an influencer? According to our Modern Music Glossary, an influencer is: “Someone who has significant knowledge and […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google Ads Tests Smart Matching Match Type

Last week, @PPCGreg spotted Google testing a brand new match type in Google Ads named “Smart Matching.” What is Smart Matching? I have no idea but Google Ads confirmed it was a “small tests that select advertisers have opted into.” But I have no idea what makes this match type “smart.”

Best SEO Blogs

Google: It Is About Link Quality Not Link Quantity

For most SEOs, this is very obvious, that it is not about the raw number of links you have to your webpages but rather the quality of those links. Google can and likely does ignore the low quality links, so having a billion low quality links is worthless in many cases. But having one high quality link can be huge for a site.

Bioelectricity - Craig's Blog - Deep Science News Summary

So Many Alzheimer’s “Links”, How to Choose?

Haven’t we learned Clint Ober’s lesson? We’re electrical first and foremost. Ober demonstrated the central role electrical grounding, or lack thereof, has with chronic inflammation. He argued, with the evidence on his side, that the inflammation epidemic started roughly when humans started wearing insulated rubber soles on their shoes. Linking Drugs to Alzheimer’s Eclipes Chronic Inflammation History If chronic inflammation continued for years, causing oxidative stress, which affects protein folding (as discussed below in AD patients), any link a drug might have in the small window of time running up to the symptoms is myopic and naive of this fundamental […]