Best SEO Blogs

Making Money from Your Recorded Music

How do I earn royalties from my sound recordings? Making money from your sound recording involves the exploitation of that sound recording’s copyright. But what is your copyright?  As we covered in our Copyright 101 article, copyright signifies the ownership of intellectual property by a person or group. In the case of a sound recording specifically, if you own that recording, you have control over what happens to it. In fact, you can make quite a bit of money from your recording(s). We’re here to tell you how. What is a sound recording? When you capture a composition in a […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google On How It Recognizes Authors Without Authorship

Google’s John Mueller described how Google is able to recognize an author and all of that author’s content and mentions across the web, without supporting authorship markup anymore. In short, John said Google can do this when all of the author’s articles link back to a central bio page or central location.

Best SEO Blogs

Google: Breadcrumb Placement Does Not Matter For SEO

Google’s John Mueller said when it comes to breadcrumbs, the links you see on pages that tell you where you clicked from, the placement and location of those breadcrumbs don’t really matter for SEO. John said “no, the placement doesn’t matter for SEO. We use breadcrumbs for crawling (finding internal links) & for rich results (structured data); both don’t depend on placement of the breadcrumbs.”

Best SEO Blogs

Googlebot Doesn’t Evaluate The Core Web Vitals; Chrome Does

Google’s John Mueller pointed out an important fact that I see a lot of folks in the industry misunderstanding around core web vitals. Googlebot does crawl the web and brings in most of the signals Google uses to rank your pages, but the core web vitals do not come from Googlebot or crawling, it comes from the Chrome CRuX field data report.