Best SEO Blogs

Google Bug Shows Empty Knowledge Panel

Jason Barnard, a man who follows knowledge panels probably closer than anyone else, noticed some examples of Google showing knowledge panels that are empty. To be clear, I cannot replicate any of these examples, but Jason shared some screenshots of this on Twitter.

Best SEO Blogs

Do You Want More Custom Column Metrics In Google Ads?

Ginny Marvin from Google asked that if you want additional custom column metrics in your Google Ads report, that you let her know on the AdsLiaison account on Twitter. Ginny wrote “Is there a Custom Column metric you’d like to see added? The team is working on an update and open to suggestions.”

Best SEO Blogs

4 Tips for getting placed on playlists

How smaller playlists helped me get on an official Spotify playlist. I’m Cristina. I write and produce music as Siren and the Sea. I recently released my second album For Bathing and got my songs placed on a bunch of playlists. This helped me go from about 80 monthly listeners to over 1,500.  These were some of the playlists I got placed on: It’s been awesome to get so much love from my friends, fans, and people I didn’t even know! And getting on these smaller playlists (what some people call “user-generated,” “third party,” or “independently curated” playlists) has been […]