Best SEO Blogs

Yes, The Google Sitemap Ping Tool Still Works

Google’s John Mueller was asked on Twitter if the sitemap ping tool still works or not. John said that he is “not aware of any changes there, and the URL seems to be responding to get requests as usual.” In fact, the official documentation still has this as an option.

Best SEO Blogs

Google: Changing WordPress Themes Can Impact Rankings

Google’s John Mueller said in one of his #AskGooglebot short video answers that changing your WordPress theme can directly impact your rankings in Google Search. It obviously depends on what is changing with the website when you change the theme, but in general, it can impact your Google rankings.

Best SEO Blogs

Google Search Survey Via Notification

We’ve seen Google ask searchers if they were or are happy with the search results. But I’ve never seen Google send a push notification to a searcher, after a search was done, asking them if the search was helpful. @SeoKristal received one the other day that asked her “how helpful was Google?”

Best SEO Blogs

Weird Google Search Pagination Bug

If you search for [bbc news] and some other queries on Google Search you might run into a weird bug with Google’s pagination. Scroll down to the footer where you can go to the next page of results (like anyone does that) and you will see only a few pages, when there should be probably countless pages.

Best SEO Blogs

Programming Note: Offline Thursday For Yom Kippur 5782

This is just a programming note that I will be 100% offline starting Wednesday night (September 15th) through Thursday night (September 16th) for Yom Kippur. I am scheduling stories on Yom Kippur, anything posted would have been written prior to Yom Kippur. We have a white theme going up today around 3pm ET through all of Yom Kippur (as a reminder, so check it out).