Best SEO Blogs

Google Crawl Rate Setting Takes A Day To Work

Google’s John Mueller said on Reddit that if you want to slow Google from crawling your site (or speed it up), it can take about a day from when you set the crawl rate setting in Google Search Console for it to kick in. The official documentation kind if implies it takes two to three days.

Best SEO Blogs

Google Titles Are Changing In Search But For The Better?

About a month ago, Google made a change to the snippet titles it shows in its search results, then confirmed that change a week after it was launched. The SEO community went a bit nuts about the changes and Google said, hold on, we are listening, we will adapt. Google may have begun to roll out some of those changes based on the feedback it has received.

Best SEO Blogs

How to Earn Passive Income as a Musician

Streaming revenue. Publishing royalties. CD sales. We’ve talked a lot about those revenue sources. But today we’re talking about a lesser-known source of music revenue: passive income. What is passive income? Passive income is any revenue generated after work is finished. You’ve invested in the work upfront, and now your finished product is ready to work for you. In the case of music, some passive income is generated AFTER you’ve released a song, uploaded a video, or launched a new merch line. And through that lens, you could consider the revenue mentioned in the intro as passive income. But it […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google: Lead Gen Forms Or CTAs Can Sometimes Be Seen As Ads When…

Google’s John Mueller said that sometimes Google can treat a large lead generation form or call-to-action as an ad if the content on the page is not on the same topic as what is in the lead gen form or CTA. And when that happens, Google may say there is an ad pushing down the primary content of the page and thus it may be impacted by the old page layout algorithm.

Best SEO Blogs

Google Embedding Links In Featured Snippets Again

It looks like Google is testing embedding links in featured snippets again. It is hard to find examples of this but Brodie Clark and a few others spotted some examples. We first reported on this last November and then saw it come back in January – and now again, in September we are seeing it again.

Best SEO Blogs

Google Tests Larger Sitelinks Block Design Again

Google is testing a larger sitelinks layout block design again. Google tested tons and tons of sitelinks formats over the years including this one. It began testing this look again a few months ago but the tests seem to be increasing, maybe we will see this new look rollout soon?