Best SEO Blogs

Google Search No Results Found Fishing Game

A few days ago in the Black Hat World forums I spotted a thread that I honestly thought was trying to fool me. It showed a screenshot of the Google Search results page, that had no results found, but where Google added these animated GIF of the fishing game. I thought I was being spoofed.

Best SEO Blogs

Google Video: How Key Moments Work In Videos In Search

Danielle Marshak, Product Manager at Google, posted an absolutely outstanding video on how video key moments work in Google Search and how to get them working for your videos. While the details on the implementation are not new, they have been in the help documents for months, the video walkthrough is new and it is done super well.

Best SEO Blogs

Google May Use IndexNow Protocol For Instant Indexing

Surprise, surprise, Google has confirmed it is testing the new IndexNow protocol that was headed by Microsoft Bing and launched a few weeks ago. I am honestly shocked and I didn’t expect Google to participate since the search company has been shy when it comes to pushing content to its index over the years.