Best SEO Blogs

Google Adds Pros & Cons To Search Result Snippets

Normally when someone sends me a sophisticated search result snippet from Google and I dig in, I find a reason for how Google came up with this snippet. But it seems like in this case below, Google is being a bit more sophisticated and showing pros and cons in the snippet without the web site having mentioned pros and cons specifically.

Best SEO Blogs

Bing Autocomplete Tells Searches To Use Tab To Fill In

Microsoft Bing is testing a new annotation in the autocomplete search results to communicate to searchers that they can tap the tab key to finish the autocomplete without clicking on the term. Here is a screenshot of this that I can replicate – no you cannot click on the word “tab” but using tab on your keyboard does do the work.

Best SEO Blogs

Google Search Ranking Update Brewing Again June 27-28th

After maybe four or five days of calm, we are seeing new signs of more larger Google Search ranking algorithm tremors and volatility. This new one seems to just be kicking off, some of the tracking tools are already picking up on it and we have chatter from within the SEO community about a possible update on June 27th and today, June 28th.

Best SEO Blogs

The five things you MUST bring to your next music conference

How to get the most out of your time at a music conference. If you’re serious about your music, you know you’re going to spend some combination of time, money, and effort whenever you attend a music conference. It’s a commitment. You’re there to take things to a higher level, reach more people, earn more money, book more gigs — and you know that’s not going to happen if you don’t show up prepared.   When I say “prepared,” I don’t mean you need to have absolutely everything planned in advance (that wouldn’t be much fun). But you should be […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google Updates Crawl Stats Report Help Docs

Google has also updated the crawl stats report help documentation last week. Google made a lot of support documentation changes in the past week including product rich results, Googlebot doc, job posting help doc, moving the HTTP status codes doc and also this crawl stats report help document.

Best SEO Blogs

Google: Keywords In Domain Names Are Overrated

Google’s John Mueller said once again that “keywords in domain names are overrated.” He and Googlers over time have said this numerous times over the years and he said it again. Instead he said “pick something for your business, pick something for the long term.”