Best SEO Blogs

5 international SEO tips that don’t include hreflang

International optimization is arguably the most advanced form of SEO, given its complexities, nuances and variation of application.  The fundamental practices of SEO are meant to address: Technical issues to increase site crawlability. Content optimization to improve keyword usage. Acquire quality links from external sites to accumulate site equity.  Most of these practices still apply to international search engines because all bots must be able to crawl a site, seek relevant content and examine links from external sites.  I know what you’re thinking. This is another post about hreflang implementation, right?  Wrong. I’ll leave that to others who have written […]

Best SEO Blogs

6 fundamental truths about SEO

Brands and SEO professionals must take responsibility for the performance of the websites that they run and manage. Applying these six SEO truths will help you achieve next-level website performance, according to Bruce Clay, the founder and president of digital marketing optimization firm Bruce Clay Inc., who spoke at SMX Advanced. 1. SEO needs to be a strategic initiative across the company The entire organization participates in SEO. It starts at the leadership level – everyone must understand that SEO is important, commit to it and make it a priority.  You can’t just do your SEO on Monday. One person […]

Best SEO Blogs

Sentaor claims Google isn’t doing enough to block ad scams

Senator Richard Blumenthal (D.Conn) wrote a letter to Google CEO Sundar Pichai that stated that Google isn’t doing enough to crack down on deceptive ads, demonstrating a “troubling record of inadequate due diligence against fraud and abuse.” Blumenthal’s case against Google. Blumenthal is citing an investigation from last year claiming that Google advertisers are impersonating government websites and purchasing ads in an effort to scam consumers.  Google claims that it took down the deceptive websites, but a recent review from Blumenthal’s office found that a search for the articles’ keywords pulled up the same ads. Blumenthal also claims that his […]