Best SEO Blogs

Performance Max transition: Key trends for Google advertisers

Many brands, particularly SMBs, have relied exclusively on Smart Shopping campaigns to appear in Google Shopping ad listings. Thus, Google’s Q3 2022 transition from Smart Shopping to Performance Max (PMax) campaigns carried high stakes.  Fortunately, if results from Tinuiti advertisers are a good indicator, the transition process appeared to run briskly and smoothly for most. As retailers look ahead to the critical Q4 holiday shopping season, let’s examine how Performance Max has performed so far and what may lie ahead as we close out the year. How Performance Max adoption rates have trended over the past year Prior to Google […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google now recommends using dots for decimal numbers in your review snippet structured data

Google has updated its review snippet structured data help documentation to recommend using dots over commas for the decimal numbers in your review snippet markup. Dots over commas. Google updated its review snippet structured data help documentation to now recommend using dot separators for decimal ratings. Google added this section twice to the documentation, in both the reviewRating.ratingValue property and the ratingValue property sections. For decimal numbers, use a dot instead of a comma to specify the value (for example 4.4 instead of 4,4). In Microdata and RDFa, you can use content attributes to override the visible content. That way, […]

Best SEO Blogs

How to reliably predict SEO success before publishing content

Only the spammiest of spammy SEOs “guarantee” anything. “Guaranteed” first position rankings, “guaranteed” traffic estimates, and “guaranteed” ROI only live in the deepest, darkest pits of spammy LinkedIn InMails. And only the unsuspecting, naive, plus frankly ignorant businesses fall for these flagrant falsehoods. But… That’s not to say you can’t forecast or predict page rankings, traffic estimates, or search ROI. Nuance and context make all the difference. You can – if you know what you’re doing – predict the odds of success or failure ahead of time. Even before publishing a single piece of content or building a single link […]