Best SEO Blogs

How to get the most out of the Google Search Console API using regex

Google Search Console is an amazing tool that provides invaluable search data by real users directly from Google. While the charts and tables are friendly to work with, a large part of the data is not accessible from the UI.  The only way to get to this hidden data is to use the API and extract all that valuable search data that is available to you – if you know how. This is possible with regular expressions. Here’s how you can maximize the Google Search Console API using regular expressions, according to Eric Wu, VP of Product Growth at Honey, […]

Best SEO Blogs

November 2022 Google Webmaster Report

The past 30-days or so was pretty heavy between the October 2022 spam update and then several unconfirmed updates that were pretty strong, it was a bumpy road. Google also renamed the webmaster guidelines to the search essentials, rolled out new site name, favicons and ad labels and more.

Best SEO Blogs

Enterprise SEO agency vs. in-house SEO team: What to consider

Every time I start a new job, I get asked, “What does the relationship look like between you, the in-house enterprise SEO Director, and the SEO agency? When can we pull back on our budget for our SEO agency?” This is a problem in the SEO industry.  The tweet below illustrates the symptomatic problem within the industry.  Choosing between an in-house SEO or SEO agency is like wishing everything you touched turned to gold, but instead, it’s just getting Cheetos powder on it. — annaleacrowe (@annaleacrowe) October 21, 2022 The central problem is understanding that it’s not enterprise SEO agencies […]

Music Marketing Blogs

Distribute Your Music in Time for the Holiday Season Music Marketing Blog

Will your music be available in time for the holidays? Here’s your friendly reminder to get your holiday tracks ready to distribute now! Platforms like Spotify and Apple Music have advanced deadlines for holiday distribution, AND you’re gonna need time to get the word out too. Go HERE to see how long it takes to get your music live during the holidays. Why do so many artists release holiday music? Streaming activity goes into overdrive during December, thanks in part to people binging on holiday music. But it’s not just the same old Mariah Carey and Bing Crosby songs; there […]

Music Marketing Blogs

Distribute Your Music in Time for the Holiday Season Music Marketing Blog

Will your music be available in time for the holidays? Here’s your friendly reminder to get your holiday tracks ready to distribute now! Platforms like Spotify and Apple Music have advanced deadlines for holiday distribution, AND you’re gonna need time to get the word out too. Go HERE to see how long it takes to get your music live during the holidays. Why do so many artists release holiday music? Streaming activity goes into overdrive during December, thanks in part to people binging on holiday music. But it’s not just the same old Mariah Carey and Bing Crosby songs; there […]

Best SEO Blogs

The ultimate recipe for writing SEO optimized content by Rablab

It’s been said countless times throughout the years, and we’ll say it again: in SEO, content is king. The importance of content has never been devalued by Google. However, the importance of quality content tends to become an increasingly important ranking factor. This is where you tell me “Okay! But what does quality SEO content look like in 2022?“ And I answer you “Let me introduce you to the recipe for good content as if you were in your kitchen ready to cook up a tasty dish”. 1 – Incorporate a reasonable number of keywords into your post The first […]

Best SEO Blogs

7 tips for a holiday-ready social media strategy

The things that are vital for brands throughout the rest of the year are even more critical to social media success during the holidays.  There’s more noise, people are distracted, and they’re busy.  How do you ensure your posts cut through the noise and keep their attention through the holiday season? Here are seven tips to make your social media strategy holiday-ready. 1. Be helpful Give your audience the info they’re looking for, earn their trust and, as a result, their attention.  Simplify their experience by providing: Click-to-shop options directly from your social profiles.Direct links to products or booking information […]