Best SEO Blogs

Bing Chat increases chat turns, adds visuals to travel queries and expands Bing Image Creator

Microsoft Bing has released a number of improvements to Bing Chat this week, including more chat turns, more visuals and expanding Bing Image Creator. More chat turns. Bing Chat now supports 30 chat turns per conversation, which is up from 20 chat turns per conversation. Plus, you are now allowed 300 total chat turns per day. Bing explained, “This increase also applies to any conversations in your chat history.” So you are allowed to return to conversations where you may have previously reached your turn limit and pick up where you left off, without it counting against your turns. Eventually, […]

Best SEO Blogs

Ask Instacart brings generative AI to Instacart’s search experience

Instacart is adding generative AI to its search experience. Called Ask Instacart, the new search feature is designed to help answer shoppers’ grocery-related questions and give a boost to sponsored product campaigns. How it works. Just like with Google and Microsoft Bing, Instacart users will be able to search via natural language queries and get personalized recommendations. For example: “What kind of side dishes should I serve with lamb chops?” “What are dairy-free snacks for kids?” “What are the best veggies to roast?” Ask Instacart is built using OpenAI’s ChatGPT plus Instacart’s own AI models. Instacart said this is “a […]

Best SEO Blogs

YouTube is the most profitable platform for creators, survey shows

Creators earn the most from their brand partnerships on YouTube – more than Instagram and TikTok, according to a new survey. By the numbers. On YouTube, 6% of creators earned more than $10,001 per month – compared to 3% of Instagram creators and 2% of TikTok creators. 50% of YouTube creators earn more than $500 per month vs. Instagram (40%) and TikTok (36%). More expensive, but. While it’s more expensive to work with YouTube creators, brands should work with them because the platform has high engagement metrics. Creators get a 50% engagement rate, on average, which beats all other platforms by […]

Best SEO Blogs

June 2023 Google Webmaster Report

As expected, with Google I/O this month, we had a pretty busy month. We saw the all new Google Search Generative Experience demoed, and a few weeks later, Google started a limited rollout of it. Google said the next helpful content system will promote content, such as hidden gems on the web. And we had a number of unconfirmed algorithm updates.

Best SEO Blogs

Content mapping: Who, what, where, when, why and how

Did you know that you can create content for every stage of the buyer’s journey? This is how you ensure content creation is never a guessing game. Your content can reach and impact your ideal customer whether they just discovered your brand through your blog or are stuck on your product/service page weighing a purchase – and every stage between those two bookends. Every piece of content you publish can be a powerful motivator and educator that speaks to the heart of your prospect.  Every blog, article, ebook, case study, landing page, infographic, video – you name it – can […]

Best SEO Blogs

Get your B2B site unstuck: Top SEO tips for stagnant sites

If you’ve ever analyzed traffic patterns for a website, you know that organic traffic ebbs and flows over time. Even the most authoritative sites will have older pages that see traffic drops.  With the recent run of algorithm updates, you might have a previously stable site that’s seen more turbulence (and even a longer-term flattening or drop) than it had in years past. In this article, we’ll walk through steps you can take to reverse organic traffic drops or get your B2B site growing again if traffic has flattened. Diagnosing organic traffic drops First, it’s important to understand why you’re […]