Google said that starting on May 10, 2021 it has changed how it reports in some event structured data. Specifically, Google will now begin detecting Event entities at all hierarchy levels, not just at the root level, and errors in …
Google My Business Call History Feature Now Showing Call Data
After months of Google teasing us with the preview call history section and showing us no data, now Google is showing call history data to some local businesses in the Google My Business console. John Smith shared a screen shot …
Report: Google Showing People Also Ask Results More Often
Both Semrush and RankRanger are reporting an increase in the frequency Google shows the “people also ask” types of search featured in its search results. It is not a huge jump but up a few percentage points according to both …
Google: We Do Not Use The Trust Project Directly For Search Rankings
Back in 2017, Google announced that it was working with The Trust Project to help publishers use “eight trust indicators that newsrooms can add to their content.” But Google’s Danny Sullivan said that was the extent of it, and that …
Google Bug Displayed Hidden Business Addresses In Google Local Shopping Search
Google notified some local businesses that specifically had set their business address not to show to the public, did end up being shown to some searchers by accident between the dates of October 2019 through April 2021 – yes, a …
Google My Business Insights Now Shows Bookings Reporting Data
If you go to your Google My Business account, click on the Insights tab and check out the new performance report insights reporting, you may see a new “bookings” tab to see if people booked reservations, appointments, etc with you …
Google Search Ranking Algorithm Tremors On May 7th & May 9th
I am seeing an increase in chatter amongst the SEO industry around a possible Google search ranking algorithm update around Friday, May 7th and then again on Sunday, May 9th. Even some of the tools are showing the changes as …
Vlog #119: Justin Abrams On Human Experience Marketing & Adaptation of Technology
In part one with Justin Abrams, the Senior SEO Consultant at BrightEdge and also the co-founder of Cause of a Kind…
Google Search Console Bug: Insufficient HTTPS Coverage On Your Site
For the past couple of weeks or so, well, really since page experience report launched in late April in Google Search Console, there has been a bug with some sites over HTTPs. The error is “Insufficient HTTPS coverage on your …
Google Tends To Not Watch For Scroll Events Or Click To Load More Buttons
What is the latest in terms of how Google / GoogleBot sees the content on your full page. Now when it comes to lazy loaded content, John Mueller said GoogleBot tends not to watch out for a scroll event or …
John Mueller Relaunches His Old Blog
Back in 2004 John Mueller started his personal blog while he was the owner of a small marketing and development company – like many of you. In 2007 he joined Google and has been with the company since. But also, …
More On How Google Uses Machine Learning In Google Search
This past Friday, I asked John Mueller of Google a bit more on if and how Google may use machine learning for adjusting the weights of various ranking signals. The short answer is, Google may or may not do this, …
Daily Search Forum Recap: May 7, 2021
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…
Google Artificially Creating Author Names For Some Search Snippets
Lily Ray shared on Twitter some examples of Google making up artificial author names to attach to some of its search results snippets. She showed some named such as ALP Dull, R Wine, W Wine, and other names that are …