Google’s John Mueller was asked “are seals a good way to improve the E-A-T of a website” By seals, the user means trust seals, like BBB seals, security seals, certification seals, anything that conveys a form of trust on the …
Google Keyboard Shortcut [/] To Enter New Search
Google added a new keyboard shortcut to help users more quickly jump their cursor in the search entry box. If you do a search on and start typing afterwards, Google will prompt you about this keyboard shortcut that reads …
WordPress Wants To Block Google’s FLoC By Default
Here is an interesting twist, some at WordPress said it wants to by default and automatically block Google’s FLoC on its websites. WordPress wants to treat FLoC as a security concern and said “FLoC places people in groups based on …
Hey Google, Do You Have To Optimize Your Whole Website For One Page To Rank Well?
John Mueller of Google was asked another interesting question in this Friday’s SEO hangout. The question was, do you need to optimize your whole website if you only care to have one URL, one page, on that whole website to …
Daily Search Forum Recap: April 16, 2021
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…
Search News Buzz Video Recap: Google Product Reviews Update Was Big, Soft 404s Causing Ranking Issues & Google Ads Auto Apply Recommendations
This week I spent a lot more time covering and updating the details around the Google product reviews update. I covered some of the early impact it had on some sites, and it was big…
Google: User Generate Content Products Reviews Will Have A Hard Time Ranking Well
Google’s John Mueller implied that since the product reviews update has been rolled out, it will be hard for user generated content generated product reviews to rank well in Google Search. John said on Twitter “the focus there is clearly …
Wrong Dates In Google Search Results Does Not Imply Site Quality Issues
Google can show the wrong date in the search results snippets. We’ve covered this topic numerous times over multiple dates and times. But one aspect we did not cover is that when Google does this, it does not mean Google …
Google Search Might Be Having Temporary Issues Serving Web Stories
Google might be having some issues with serving Web Stories in Google Search now. This started last night, maybe around 7pm ET. Some publishers have been complaining that the Web Stories were not surfacing in Google Search for trending topics …
Google Ads Dynamic Exclusion Lists Coming Soon
Google announced it will be rolling out in the coming weeks dynamic exclusion lists within Google Ads. Dynamic exclusion lists let you potentially automate the process of blocking your ads from showing on web pages or websites.
Soft 404s Or Noindex Empty Pages For Google
Michelle Race, aka ShelliWeb, asked an interesting SEO question, she asked what is better for Google when you have empty webpages. Should you noindex the empty webpage or should you let Google index it and treat it as a soft …
Google Ads Insights Page Available To All
After several months of teasing and testing and rolling out betas, the new Insights page is now available to all Google Ads advertisers no matter where on the planet they live. Google said that starting on April 14th, yesterday, “the …
Google Says Cache View Is An Unmaintained Legacy Feature
Google’s Martin Splitt said something we all know to be true for a while now, he said on Twitter that the “cached view is a basically unmaintained legacy feature.” I asked Martin if he is cool with me sharing this …
Google Search Tweaks Knowledge Panel & Filter Design
Yesterday Google tweaked the design for when it shows knowledge panel information in the search results. On desktop search, it is showing these search result filter buttons that swap in the filtered results at the top, as opposed to anchoring …