Best SEO Blogs

Google My Business Suspension Email Notifications

In July 2020 Google told us they would begin to notify businesses when they are suspended from Google My Business. Instead of just being suspended and being labeled as such in Google My Business, Google would send out email notifications. Well, now I am seeing reports of such suspension email notifications.

Best SEO Blogs

Google: Don’t Have Open Redirects On Your Website

Google’s John Mueller said on Twitter that Google “generally recommends not keeping open redirects.” An open redirect is when a parameter values (the portion of URL after “?”) in an HTTP GET request allow for information that will redirect a user to a new website without any validation of the target of redirect.

Best SEO Blogs

Google Easter Egg: Ever Given At Suez Canal

If you do a search on Google for [ever given] or [suez canal], you will see a new Google easter egg. You will see boats floating along under the search bar. Yes, this was an easter egg Google made to celebrate when the Ever Given was freed from being stuck and blocking the Suez Canal.