Best SEO Blogs

Google Removes 3D and AR Early Adopters Program

In the beginning of this year, Google added a page around the 3D and AR Early Adopters Program, that page was recently taken down. Google said it has “removed the page about joining the 3D and AR Early Adopters Program.” It was removed because “the program is no longer accepting submissions.”

Best SEO Blogs

Google Ignores Low Quality Blog Pingback Links

Back in the super old days of blogging, like 2004 days, we use to love pingback technology in blogs because it was an automated way to get a link from a relevant blog post on someone else’s blog post and get some attention. But quickly it because super spammy. So when Gary Illyes of Google said on Reddit “very very likely those pingbacks are marked worthless (meaning they’re ignored) on Google’s end” I would trust that.

Best SEO Blogs

Bing Video Search With Drag & Drop Playlist Tool

Microsoft Bing Search added to its video search user interface the ability to drag and drop videos into a box to create your own playlists. If you search for videos in Bing Search and click on the videos tab, on the bottom left corner a playlist button will show you how to add videos to your playlist to watch later.

Best SEO Blogs

Google My Business Suggest Edit Gets More Robust

We’ve been covering a couple of the changes to the suggest edit feature in Google Maps, Google Local, Google My Business, Google Places or whatever you want to call it. Amy Toman spotted many of these but now she is seeing more including more explanatory options when you click suggest an edit.

Best SEO Blogs

Google News Showcase Search Console Filters & More Features

Google News Showcase was officially announced last October as an experience for publishers to show news in Google. Well, now it is expanding in many ways including paywalled content for free, a News Showcase panels from suggested publications, News Showcase will expand to show on and on Discover. And most exciting for me is that News Showcase metrics will come to Google Search Console.