SE Roundtable

Bing Search Ranking Algorithm Update Around May 29th? Microsoft Says No.

Microsoft looks to have pushed out a Bing Search ranking algorithm update around May 29th. I don’t track Bing Search ranking volatility that closely anymore but Glenn Gabe looked back at some data and believes that around May 29, 2024, there was a big Bing core update (if you will). Fabrice Canel from Microsoft responded by saying, no, “nothing unusual was released around this date.”

SE Roundtable

August 2024 Google Webmaster Report

Here is the big monthly Google webmaster report, where I catch you up on what changes with Google Search related to Google updates, ranking volatility, SEO, Search Console, UI changes, local and much more. This month we had intense ranking volatility all month, we had autocomplete updates, deepfakes algorithm changes and a big search indexing bug.