Best SEO Blogs

Google Mobile First Indexing Still Not 100% Yet

In March we reported that Google was going to migrate over the last batch of sites to mobile first indexing soon. This was after moving the mobile first indexing deadline from September 2020 to March 2021. Well, Google is still not done moving some sites to mobile-first indexing, even at the end of May 2021.

Best SEO Blogs

The Acronyms That Protect Your Music Rights

If you’re digging into all the ways you can collect money from the use of your music, you might’ve noticed that the music industry seems to love acronyms and initialisms (did you know there’s a difference? Neither did I until writing this!) almost as much as the military. What ARE all these letters? Even music veterans are sometimes confused. But it’s important to understand the difference between your ASCAP and your UPC, because they all play an essential role in earning revenue from your music copyrights. We’ll go in chronological order of the life of a typical song, starting with […]

Best SEO Blogs

May 22nd Google Algorithm Update Is Off The Charts

There is yet another Google search algorithm ranking update that seems to be going on – it touched down yesterday, Saturday May 22nd. The tracking tools are off the charts, all of them, showing changes in the Google Search results that I have not seen before in a long time. This is at the levels of a core update or the old Penguin and Panda updates.

Best SEO Blogs

Google Maps Showed Distances For Service Area Businesses

Earlier this week, several searchers noticed that Google, within Google Maps, was showing the distance from the searcher to the service area business in the local listing. Service area businesses do not have specific distances because they do not list their physical address, so this may have been yet another security concern?

Best SEO Blogs

Google Ads Has New Smart Bidding Features

Google Ads announced several new smart bidding features the other day. These include top signals in the bid strategy report, seasonality adjustments at the manager account level, Maximize conversion value bidding with recommendations, and new Target Impression Share simulations.