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Google People Also Ask With Read Full Answer Button

Google is testing a new option on some people also ask results, an option to click a button that says “read full answer.” Valentin Pletzer spotted this in the German Google results and I am not able to replicate it on my end, but here are his screenshots, you can click on them to enlarge.

Best SEO Blogs

Google: Stock Levels Should Not Impact Search Rankings

Google’s John Mueller was asked if stock levels can impact the ranking of products on an e-commerce site. John implied that the answer is no, he said “that seems unrelated, at least for normal search. It might impact product search but he is not sure if it will or won’t – but normal web search, it should not impact.

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Google May Be Showing More Web Stories In Top Stories

John Shehata shared a chart from his Newzdash service that showed how Google is showing more web stories in the top positions of the top stories carousel in the mobile search results. John said on Twitter “I am starting to see more and more web stories in Google Search Top Stories (News Box) carousels. The numbers are still small.”

Best SEO Blogs

January 2022 Google Webmaster Report

Normally the month of December is not that busy because people take off for the holidays and such. But the past month was really not that calm at all. We had huge Google ranking volatility most of the past month, we had a confirmed three-week rollout of the December product reviews update, Google confirmed a local update and much more.