Best SEO Blogs

Understanding and resolving ‘Discovered – currently not indexed’

If you see “Discovered – currently not indexed” in Google Search Console, it means Google is aware of the URL, but hasn’t crawled and indexed it yet.  It doesn’t necessarily mean the page will never be processed. As their documentation says, they may come back to it later without any extra effort on your part.  But other factors could be preventing Google from crawling and indexing the page, including: Server issues and onsite technical issues restricting or preventing Google’s crawl capability. Issues relating to the page itself, such as quality. You can also use Google Search Console Inspection API to […]

Best SEO Blogs

Conductor acquires Searchmetrics in big enterprise SEO merger

Enterprise SEO platform Conductor today announced it has acquired Searchmetrics, another enterprise SEO platform and one of its closest competitors. The terms of the deal were not disclosed. This is the second large acquisition for Conductor within the last year. On Feb. 16, 2022, Conductor acquired Content King. I caught up with Conductor CEO and co-founder Seth Besmertnik to find out what this deal means for Conductor and its customers, as well as Searchmetrics’ customers and employees. What it means for Conductor. One of the big draws of the Searchmetrics acquisition was its European customer base. Searchmetrics has 1,000 global […]

Best SEO Blogs

Microsoft Ads in 2023: Key areas to leverage, test and optimize

Google’s hard push into machine learning and automated bidding – and away from more manually controllable optimizations – builds a sense of exasperation for experienced PPC marketers. The January revision to the “remove redundant keywords” recommendations, where they announced the removal of redundant exact and phrase match keywords in favor of broad match, was an aggressive example of that trend.  And it’s made some of us wonder if it’s time to reconsider a long-time little sibling of the paid search world, Microsoft Advertising. In late 2022, Microsoft announced its ambitious goals for capturing a greater share of brand advertising budgets. […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google Search podcast carousel going away on February 13

Google will be removing the podcast carousel fully from Google Search on February 13, 2023. There is a notice in the Google Podcast Manager about the podcast carousel going away. The notice. The notice reads, “Note: Google Search will stop showing podcast carousels by February 13. As a result, clicks and impressions in How people find your show will drop to zero after that date.” Here is a screenshot: Didn’t it already go away. A few weeks ago, a bunch of SEOs who manage popular podcasts or like to consume podcasts, noticed that the podcast carousel was gone from the […]

Best SEO Blogs

Is AI threatening SEO strategy? by Internet Marketing Ninjas

Artificial intelligence has taken over the SEO industry in recent months.  With the emergence of AI-driven tools like ChatGPT, which can understand and perform all kinds of (SEO) tasks, an ever-lasting question is once again finding its way into lots of headlines: Is the SEO industry dying? First, if you’re impressed with ChatGPT and think it may be threatening SEO, you may be surprised to know that according to the tool itself, the SEO industry is going to be just fine: AI may change the way SEO is done, but it is unlikely to replace the entire profession. While AI […]

Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: February 7

Noogler: SEO is spam, ads help you rank In 2012, a Googler made headlines when he said “SEO isn’t good for users or the Internet at large,” and “It’s a bug that you could rank highly in Google without buying ads, and Google is trying to fix the bug.” Was it Matt Cutts, John Mueller, or another prominent Googler who said this? No. It was actually a Noogler (or new Googler). So did this this new employee slip up and reveal what Google really thinks? No. Far more likely, he simply didn’t know what he was talking about. Google didn’t […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google launches Bard, its answer to ChatGPT – here’s what it looks like

Google is now testing Bard, its answer to OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Google CEO Sundar Pichai today announced the soft launch of Bard to a set “trusted testers,” showcasing what this early experimental release looks like with some examples. We knew this was coming, as Pichai mentioned this on the Google earnings call. What Bard looks like Let’s first start with what it looks like in Google Search – because that’s what everyone has been waiting to see. So let’s jump into some examples. Here is a screenshot Google provided. It shows how Googe Search uses Bard to respond to long queries […]