Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: March 21

rel=next/prev was not found on Google. That’s an error. In 2019, we learned Google had stopped supporting the rel=next/prev markup it had introduced in 2011. Worse than that, Google hadn’t been using it for indexing for a “number of years,” according to Google’s John Mueller. All the while, Google continued to recommend using it, so SEOs, publishers and developers invested resources into implementing and maintaining the markup – all for no benefit. Google apologized for the “oversight” a day later. Also on this day Google Ads Editor version 2.0 supports Performance Max campaigns 2022: The update also included support for custom […]

Best SEO Blogs

PPC is a tough game – you have to accept it

To get results from paid search, you’ll need to deliver better campaigns and increase your bids, which drives costs up. However, increasing your bids won’t always mean more clicks. Eventually, you’ll reach a point where increased bids will only return little to no gain. This is the law of diminishing returns at play. When running PPC campaigns, you are contending with this concept and many other factors outside your control. In this article, we’ll explore the law of diminishing returns and various factors making paid search even more demanding today. This will help you set better expectations when assessing your […]

Best SEO Blogs

Bing adds Bing Chat answers to search results

Microsoft Bing has added Bing Chat answers in the Bing Search results in place of some of the answer boxes. We knew this was coming, as Mikhail Parakhin, who leads up Bing Search and Bing Chat, suggested would happen a week ago and now it seems to be here. What it looks like. Here is a screenshot of one of many queries that triggers the Bing Chat answer in Bing Search: What happens. When you search in any browser in Bing and you see this Bing Chat box come up, you can see the first answer above. But then if […]

Best SEO Blogs

Microsoft: No Site Blacklist For Bing Chat Sidebar

The topic of blacklists and whitelists for Bing and Google are not new. But now we have chat bots and AI features and Mikhail Parakhin was asked if there is a blacklist for some sites with the Bing Chat sidebar feature in the Edge browser. Mikhail Parakhin said no, “not really” he said.

Best SEO Blogs

8 important content strategy goals to consider

Goal-setting is one of the most important pieces of content strategy. Every guide you’ve ever read on building a content strategy probably mentions goals somewhere. Goals matter because they give your content marketing direction and purpose. Instead of creating content randomly, you’ll create content for specific reasons, and each piece will contribute to growth. Because, without goals, content is just content. But add a goal behind it, and it becomes a tool for your business. But it’s one thing to say, “Set goals for your content marketing.” It’s another thing entirely to put that into action. If you’re new to […]