Best SEO Blogs

Tax Information Every Musician Should Know

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes” — Benjamin Franklin Wise words from a wise man. Ben did harness electricity (cool!), as well as invent the bifocals (helpful!) and the folding catheter (gross!) after all. And while taxes, deductions and reportable earnings aren’t the most exciting topics, they’re all important for you to know. One HUGE caveat before we get started: none of us at CD Baby are tax professionals. While we will be incorporating advice from a few experts along the way, the purpose of this article is to impart some basic […]

Best SEO Blogs

Bing Search Tests “Skip To Web Results” Button

Microsoft Bing is testing a feature to let searchers skip down to the web results, past the ads, past the knowledge panels and direct answers and people also ask boxes and just see those web results. The link is attached to the left side bar of the page and anchors you down to the proper portion of the search results.

Best SEO Blogs

September 2021 Google Webmaster Report

Well, I got to say, the last month was an interesting one for webmasters, marketers and SEOs in the Google organic space. We finished off the prolonger link spam update, safe browsing was removed from the page experience update, which should have been fully rolled out by now but Google did not confirm. Oh and that update might be bigger than just a tiebreaker but it is still pretty small.